Community People
Listen to Community People on Seahaven FM - Tuesday's and Wednesday's, 7pm - 8pm. Kathy Harding & David Crozier (ably assisted by Tom Bonner) chat to organisations and individuals who serve the area. If you would like to be part of the show please send an email using the link below and we will be in touch.
Coming up...
21st January - Kathy Harding's special guest is Miz Wells from Sweet Circus CIC, a non-profit community circus organisation based in Eastbourne. They believe passiontely in the ability of circus to improve the physical, mental and social health of the community.
22nd January - David Crozier's special guest is Tony McCord, musician and firefighter, talking about his music and bringing us the benefit of his expertise by offering community fire safety advice.
Listen Again
We've spoken to so many interesting local people recently - why not browse the archives?
Kathy Harding and David Crozier share presenting duties on Community People.
You can contact the team by email at
Or use the contact form.
An appearance on Commuity People in 2021 by Xanthe Gresham Knight the international storyteller, produced a series of videos. Here is a link to some of her stories With the support of SeahavenFM and The Chalk Cliff.